Welcome! This project is on hold and I'm working on my next project, www.AISuperFunnel.com.
You can reach me at james@jqc.wtf
You Can Save 80% Or More On Your Marketing By Not Spending It In The First Place.
The Trick Is Knowing Which 80% To Cut.
Home Services/Contractors
Accounting Firms/CPA
Attorneys/Law Firms
Carpet Cleaning
eCommerce Stores
Optometrist/Eye Doctors
Flooring Contractors
Financial Advisors
Fitness Trainers/Gyms
Garage Door Contractors
HVAC Contractors
Landscaping Contractors
Painting Contractors
Pest Control Contractors
Plumbing Contractors
Real Estate Agents
Tree Service/Arborists
And All Other Small Businesses
Do I make more than I spend?
What parts of my marketing are working, and which aren't?
Are the things my agency is doing have any chance of working?
What do these monthly reports really mean?
Should I keep this marketing agency, or find a different one?
I’m James Quinn Campbell (thus the JQC part of the site), and I audit the efforts of marketers and marketing agencies (and often find myself mumbling “wtf is this crap?”, thus the “wtf” part of the site).
You see, I’ve been doing this marketing thing for a good long time.
And I've seen as much training on how to twist numbers to look good as I have on actually improving results.
My wife, Kat, and I.
Now, that's not to say ALL marketers are ripping you off. There are quite a few very good marketers who drive real bottom line results for their clients.
But there are a lot of bad ones.
I like to call them out using their own data.
I like saving good business from bad marketing.
The bad ones often don't realize they're bad at marketing. They have "good ideas" and so they think that automatically translates into effective ideas.
So if you've got this uneasy sense that what your marketing company reports and what's actually happening with your business aren't the same, you're in the right place.
I will analyze the data, answer your questions in plain English, and provide clarity in whatever aspects of your marketing you need.